Why We Don’t Like the Phrase “Singing Waiters” (and You Shouldn’t Either!)

Okay, hear us out. It’s not that we don’t like the term ‘Singing Waiters’, but we sometimes don’t like its connotations.
Disclaimer: before we go any further, we are not saying that EVERY singing waiter company is like this. 

But let’s be honest: when you hear the phrase “singing waiters,” what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For us, it’s an image of an awkward, slightly cringe performance where someone who’s just served you soup suddenly bursts into a (sometimes off-key) rendition of a show tune. It CAN be the kind of entertainment that can make people wish they were somewhere else.

But here’s the thing: the concept of “singing waiters” is totally misunderstood, especially when it comes to us, and here’s why we don’t like the term…

The cringe factor

The term “singing waiters” has developed a reputation over time, and not necessarily a good one. It can be cheesy and over-the-top entertainment that is more likely to embarrass guests than entertain them. It can make people nervous with the  fear they’ll be dragged into a performance - I’m sure we’ve all seen an awkward Aunty or Grandma being forced to sing Sweet Caroline.

Gimmicks rather than talent

The problem with “singing waiters” isn’t the idea itself but rather the execution. When done poorly, it comes across as a gimmick — a cheap trick to get a reaction. But when done right, it’s an art form. Truly talented performers don’t just sing a few songs while wearing a bow tie; they create an immersive and engaging experience. 

Here at the Tailors, what we do goes beyond the tired cliché of “singing waiters.” We are a team of expert singers who totally PERSONALISE performances to be about the couple and their guests. Our goal isn’t to surprise people with the fact that the waiters can sing; it’s to provide an unforgettable experience with lyrics all about the people they know and love.

How it should be done

When we say we don’t like the phrase “singing waiters,” it’s because it undermines what our performers really do. We get to know our couples and their guests, we write lyrics and we rehearse EVERY SINGLE set as every performance is different - as every couple and their guests are different. You can’t reuse personalised lyrics after all.

We will also learn songs that our couples love. One bride wanted a personalised Disney medley and that’s exactly what she got!  

Breaking the stereotype

Our aim is to break the stereotype that “singing waiters” are cheesy or cringey. Instead, we offer modern, funny and personalised (did we mention that?)entertainment that fits seamlessly into your event. We make sure the surprise is a good one — that perfect moment of “Wow, I didn’t see that coming!” rather than “Please, make it stop!”

We redefine ‘singing waiters’

Although we may hate the phrase, ‘singing waiters’ is exactly what we are - but in a redefined way!

“Singing waiters” might sound like a recipe for awkwardness, but with the right performers and skills, it becomes something entirely different. It becomes something special that will keep people talking for years to come!

Let’s move past the clichés and embrace a new kind of entertainment that’s anything but cringey. No drunk uncles and conga lines here! After all, life’s too short for bad performances — let’s make sure yours is unforgettable for all the right reasons.

Club Mob